Thank you to Heather at Pop of Designs for her time and talents in making our Wave of Light celebration really special.
One aspect of loss that others may not realize is our yearning to have a complete family photo. While we know that it will never be complete without our babies, we can offer creative ways to include them into photography at events or become a part of ongoing and future family traditions around holidays and milestone events.
We encouraged our Wave of Light attendees to bring their memorial/keepsake items, framed photos or wear their family tee shirts to represent their baby for a beautiful photo by Three Little Birds Co-Founder, Brent Samuelson to take home from the event.
Find your family photo below, share on social media, tag our account and use the hashtags #threelittlebirdsperinatal #threelittlebirdspregnacyandinfantloss #2023WaveofLight