Tax exempt donations in any amount will support the delivery of bereavement services and resources for families who experience loss. All donors will receive a personalized thank you message and tax exempt donation receipt from our fiscal sponsor, Federation of Neighborhood Centers Philly.
Donations and memorial gift options
General Gift Donation - $10 and up - Make a donation in any amount in your own name.
Memorial Gift Donation - $100 - Make a donation in memory of someone special. Three Little Birds will send a personalized letter acknowledging the donation.
Honor Gift Donation - $200 - Make a donation to commemorate a birthday, holiday or other special occasion. The special person you honor will receive a card from Three Little Birds in acknowledgment of your thoughtful gift.
Re-occuring donation options
Nest Sponsor - $25/month - Sponsor name displayed on website and social media platforms.
Community Partner Sponsor - $50/month - Sponsor name displayed on TLB website/social media platforms and event promotional media.
Sponsorship donation options
Signature Event Food & Beverage Sponsor - $250 - Sponsor name displayed at the event and all promotional media and materials.
Loss Ambassador Sponsor - $500 - Sponsor name displayed on Three Little Birds website and annual report
Legacy Sponsor - $1000 - Sponsor name displayed on Three Little Birds website/social media platforms and event promotional media and materials.
Corporate Nest Sponsor - $2500 - Sponsor name displayed on Three Little Birds website/social media posts and event promotional media and materials.