We are here to help you.
Please retain this information for future reference. It contains information on how to request our services for patients and how we can support you as you support patients through pregnancy and infant loss.
Our mission is tri-fold. While we support families immediately and long-term after perinatal loss, we are also equally committed to supporting, educating and empowering medical professionals who walk alongside these families during these difficult moments. Up-to-date resources and information can be found on our website.

Unfortunately, one in every four women will experience the loss of a pregnancy or baby.
Three Little Birds currently provides the gift of remembrance photography for families experiencing the loss of a pregnancy/infant in a volunteer capacity for your organization.
Below is an overview of how to request the services of a trained perinatal bereavement photographer to support your families. Three Little Birds currently provides the gift of remembrance photography for families experiencing the loss of a pregnancy/infant in a volunteer capacity for your organization. Below is an overview of how to request the services of a trained perinatal bereavement photographer to support your families. The link below is how you can contact us for volunteer availability and the services we can provide during the anticipated delivery timeframe.
Below are details about Three Little Birds' Standard Gift of Infant Remembrance Portraiture and how to encourage families and advocate on their behalf.
You can print the attached brochure to give to families to encourage them to consider this gift. Please do not take no as a first and final answer. Families can and will change their minds as they move through their initial shock and grief. However, for some families, photography may simply be too much or not culturally acceptable. This is ok too.
Gestational guideline is 20-40+ weeks. We will retouch photographs taken by staff for families under 20 weeks.
Upon notification of the loss, please reach out to Three Little Birds Perinatal by submitting a request through our website. We will advise ASAP on availability or attempt to find an available volunteer and will advise if services can be offered.
Three Little Birds will only dispatch volunteer photographers for requests where the family wants to be actively involved. If families simply want photos of the baby themselves, Three Little Birds will gladly provide a volunteer to gently retouch any photos taken by the family or medical staff. For retouching requests, Three Little Birds can accept up to 10 high-resolution photos.
All photos will be converted to black and white and gently edited. Medical tubing, anomalies and physical deformations will not be edited. Please note, we cannot accept photographs for retouching that are blurry and/or low resolution.
Three Little Birds’ standard gift includes 10-25 black and white digital photographs, gently edited and returned to the family via a password protected online gallery, generously donated by Pic-time.com.
The organization’s turnaround time for the photographs to the family is no more than four weeks.
Whether we dispatch a volunteer or retouch photos from staff, a consent form is required to be completed by the family and submitted via email to perinatalphotography@gmail.com with the photos attached for all photography/retouching requests.
Once a request for bereavement photography is received, Three Little Birds will coordinate session coverage with a trained volunteer bereavement photographer. Details of availability will be relayed to the hospital representative and passed along during change of shift briefings to ensure seamless communication. Periodic updates on delivery from the hospital representatives are expected (via text) so accurate timing of services can be rendered.
For families who are undecided on if our services are right for them, please provide them the attached resource page on the benefits of remembrance photography. Please allow them some time to consider their options and do not be afraid to reoffer to families who may initially feel hesitant.
During the session, the volunteer photographer will introduce themselves, briefly discuss the gift and services we will provide, answer any questions they have and entertain any specific requests they may have. The photographer leave a post card behind for the family detailing the next steps, when they can expect their photographs and how they can download, save and print them. Additional information on resources available to them through Three Little Birds will also be provided.
The photographer will then submit the consent form and photographs for processing and an email will be released to the family with gallery access no more than four weeks from the date of the session.