Now that we have the Healing Nest to facilitate and expand our programs and services, we are excited to announce the support schedule for September!
If you are interested in attending our events or support groups, please join our closed Facebook Group, the Mama Bird Healing Nest for specific details. If you are not on social media and would like more information please email us at threelittlebirdsperinatal@gmail.com.
All events are held at our new office space (Discover Chiropractic, side office atop driveway, 69 S. Black Horse Pike, Blackwood, NJ) unless otherwise noted.
MONDAYS - Monday's at the nest are for in-person grief support. This is our schedule for September:
1st Monday/Sept 5 - Closed for Labor Day Holiday
2nd Monday/Sept 12 - Monthly in-person grief support with Desiree and Nicole - Our most popular group! All are welcome - parents, grandparents, family and friends experiencing pregnancy and infant loss.
3rd Monday/Sept 19 - Spanish in-person grief support - Join us for our first Spanish led support group with our newest Community Partner, Daniela Natali, founder of Across the Spectrum Doula in South Jersey
4th Monday/Sept 26 - Monthly Craft & Heal support group hosted by Xander's Nursery - Join us as we explore the tale of the white pumpkin and how you can incorporate your baby into seasonal holiday traditions.
TUESDAYS - Tuesdays at our nest are for supporting our families pregnant after loss! Join us weekly (when you can - we will always be here!) starting at 5 PM (till 8 PM ish) to connect with others walking similar journeys. Come when you can/leave when you need to! Meetings are free to attend. Attendees have the option of joining our Pregnancy After Loss Mentorship Program that provides specialized support materials and free gifts from our Doulas and Program Sponsors! We will be meeting on September 6, 13, 20 and 27th.
WEDNESDAYS/THURSDAYS - We are now accepting personal consultations with our bereavement doulas at our Healing Nest for families experiencing fertility struggles, pregnancy or infant loss, pregnancy after loss or if you have received a life-limiting or uncertain diagnosis in your pregnancy. We book them in hour blocks and you are encouraged to bring a support person (partner/friend/grandparent) to join us. These consultations are also available for family members and friends seeking information on how to effectively support families through loss for a donation.
FRIDAY - This September:
Sept 9th - Sneak Peek at Wondertime event - Registration for this event is available in our Pregnancy After Loss closed Facebook Support Group. Our event for September is currently booked. We will be hosting our last Sneak Peek of the year on November 19th.
Sept 23rd - Legacy Fundraiser event - Emerson Rae's Bunco Night - join us at the nest as the Loggia family hosts a fundraiser in their daughter Emerson's memory to support Three Little Birds families! Info on how to register will be posted our Mama Bird Healing Facebook Group!
Sept 10th - Legacy Fundraiser event - Cornhole Tournament in memory of Spencer Jean Walsh - email us if you want to join us!
Sept 17 - TLB Day in PA - Join us at Remix Fitness for a yoga/meditation/self care event to support the mamas in PA who can't often join our events in NJ! Details will be posted in our Mama Bird Healing Facebook Group!
Sept 24 - Join us at the TEARS Foundation Rock & Walk Event - Three Little Birds will be at the Rock & Walk as a Community Partner to support our shared missions. Stop by our table and meet one of our newly certified Bereavement Doulas!
October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month and we will be hosting several fundraisers and events!
Oct 2 - Join us for our GRAND OPENING at the Blackwood Pumpkin Festival! We will be hosting several fundraiser and have an opportunity for festival attendees to check out our new space in the heart of downtown Blackwood!
Oct 15 - Annual Wave of Light - Our event format has changed from previous years. Registration to receive an invitation to our event is open until 9/1.
Nov 11 - NEW LEGACY EVENT - Join us as we launch Aubree's Advenutres! Hosted by Ashly Hannah in memory of her daughter Aubree, she is planning monthly meet up events for loss families to have safe spaces to socialize and share and explore new activities. This month, we will be exploring the art of painting!
Nov 19 - Legacy Event - Baby C's Car Show! Join us for this 2nd annual event that benefits Three Little Birds! Last year, this event hosted more than 50 cars and raised more than $3500 in funds to support our mission!
Dec 4 - Secret Santa event - This event will be co-hosted by Xander's Nursery and Aubree's Adventures. Details to come.
We hope you will join us. We understand coming to a support group can be intimidating. That is why our group offers various options for families to explore. All of our families will tell you, the hardest part is "getting there". Once you are here with us, you will meet other big and broken hearted individuals that want to hear your story and know your baby. We promise, you won't regret it. <3