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Three Little Birds Day in PA at Rage Philadelphia!

This September, we celebrated Three Little Birds Day in PA the best way.... At Rage Philly, LLC ! That Yukon Denali didn't stand a chance!

In an effort to provide outlets for physical and emotional healing after the loss of a baby, we give parents a safe space to LET IT ALL OUT! Participants are provided PPE, several weapons of choice and a solid hour to completely DESTROY a car with other parents working through simliar emotions. Our families have said that while exhausting, the event is very cathartic and a great opportunity to connect with others int eh community walking similar journeys.

Thank you to MamaBird Ashly for hosting this event through her legacy project, Aubree's Adventures! The goal of her legacy project is to provide safe spaces for bereaved parents to socialize.

This is one of our most popular events! If you live in the Philadelphia/South Jersey region and have experienced pregnancy or infant loss, please consider joining our nest! It's free and will give you access to our support groups, signature events, giveaways and more!


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