Donate to support Three Little Birds general operating fund and win a chance to go to the Eagles vs Giants game on Christmas Day! The winner will be drawn at random and will win a pair of tickets to the upcoming division rival match between the Philadelphia Eagles and the NY Giants on Christmas Day. Tickets do not include parking, food or any other amenities. Winner will be announced and the tickets will be emailed with all appropriate documentation by December 21st.
$5 donation = 1 chance to win
$20 donation = 5 chances to win
$50 donation = 12 chances to win
$100 donation = 25 chances to win
This fundraiser is sponsored by our legacy project, the Mila Fantasy Football League (MFFL), hosted by Mila's parents, Quinnzel and Yesenia Robinson. All proceeds less administrative expenses will go to support Three Little Birds general operating fund, which helps us support local families through perinatal loss at no cost to them. Thank you so much for your support!
Three Little Birds is a fiscally sponsored nonprofit project through Federation of Neighborhood Centers Philadelphia (EIN 23-1630073). Our mission supports families and providers in the Philadelphia/Southern New Jersey region walking the journey of pregnancy and infant loss at no cost to them. For more information please visit - threelittlebirdsperinatal.org or fncphilly.org. All state and local laws and regulations are incorporated into these rules. The raffle is conducted pursuant to 61 Pa. § 901, et al.
Our impact
Currently supporting over 140 families registered and actively seeking our virtual and in person support group offerings for miscarriage, stillbirth/infant loss, infertility and pregnancy after loss.
Hosts several annual events to support parents, siblings and grandparents walk the journey of loss.
Supported more than 60 new families this year and over 400 families to date through our free programs and services.
Trained more than 22 professionals and advocates to support families through our Perinatal Bereavement Training Program.
Serving more than three hospitals with our volunteer Bedside Bereavement Program and donation of more than $3,000 in comfort support items and resources.
Supported nearly two dozen families in welcoming children born after loss through our Pregnancy/Parenting After Loss Program.
Your support will…
Help us maintain our office space for families to explore their grief, connect with others walking similar journeys and find creative ways for them to parent their baby and raise awareness.
Support providing scholarships for our Perinatal Bereavement Training Program for medical professionals and advocates.
Allow us to expand our programs and services throughout the region so everyone has fair and equitable access through our Bedside Bereavement Program.
Strengthen support for our mission and help #shatterthestigma of pregnancy and infant loss.
As always, thank you for your support!
All state and local laws and regulations are incorporated into these rules. The raffle is conducted pursuant to 61 Pa. § 901, et al.