In honor of Pregnancy & Infant Loss Month and the 9th birthday of Co-Founders daughter, Jimmie, Three Little Birds donated more than $3,000 in perinatal bereavement support supplies and education to Jefferson Health Washington Township, Inspira Health Mullica Hill and Cooper University Hospital.
Many of the donated items in our Hospital Support Box were developed in response to the lack of support for stillbirth and infant loss, discussions with perinatal bereavement providers and includes items donated in memory of a baby we have served. This includes:
Copies of our Resources Book to be distributed to families to help walk the journey with them immediately and postpartum
Copies of our Advocacy Support Guide for use by providers in how to communicate with, advocate for and support families through the entire process
Brochures detailing our Bedside Bereavement Program and the gift of infant remembrance photography, which we provide at no cost to families
Copies of our Hospital Bereavement Door signs for perinatal loss and pregnancy after loss to clearly communicate to visitors and hospital staff to be mindful as they enter a patient’s room
Copies of our sibling bereavement support book, Remembering Baby Bird (in four versions - English, Spanish, LGBTQ Moms/Dads) to gently explain the loss of a pregnancy or baby to little loved ones
Copies of A Baby Loss Guide by Zoe Clarke-Coates to be distributed to loss families, donated by Marci Bienkowski in memory of her daughter, Hope Ann
Samples of Three Little Birds Post-Partum Appointment Cards – these serve as a tool to support both patient and provider in exchanging sensitive medical information around their loss at postpartum appointments
A sampling of Angel Gowns and crocheted items so each baby has a special garment to wear
Additionally, as part of our donation, Three Little Birds gave a brief presentation and hands-on demonstration to each hospital on how to complete a basic photography session if our volunteers are unavailable. This includes giving each clinician an opportunity to use the camera to catch details such as hands, feet, ears, nose as well as posed and candid shots with the parents. Our demonstration also included our process for hospitals to make requests, maintain communication and for post-session editing. The total value of this donation at each hospital (materials and educational demonstration) is $1,000 and was funded through donations from our supporters.
It is Three Little Birds goal to continue to bridge the gap for families and providers when supporting miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal loss so they know they have a safe place to land after discharge and providers feel supported in communicating with families.
It takes a village to have and raise a baby. That does not change if the baby passes away. The need to have a village of support begins immediately. We prefer to call ours “the nest”. We are so grateful to have three major healthcare systems be apart of it!
Donate to support Three Little Birds here!

Interested in bringing Three Little Birds to your healthcare system or perinatal provider? Please email us at threelittlebirdsperinatal@gmail.com.
#perinatalbereavement #njnonprofit #phillynonprofit #babylosssupport #legacyproject #miscarriage #stillbirth #babyloss #phillybabyloss #southjerseybabyloss #parenting #jeffersonhealth #cooperuniversityhealth #inspirahealthnetwork