Three Little Birds is excited to announce our newest legacy project, Emerson’s Library of Love!
Emerson Rae Loggia was born sleeping on January 3, 2022 at 10:34pm. Rather than leaving the hospital with their firstborn daughter, her parents JP and Jessica, left with a teddy bear and a box of the first and only physical relics of their baby. Since Emerson’s delivery, they have had to learn how to incorporate her in their daily lives. One way they have done that is to end their day by talking to Emerson and reading her a book.
“What began as a small home library is now a library that fills two bookshelves in our home and continues to grow. Reading books has continued to be a tradition that now provides a way to connect our rainbow baby with our angel baby.”, says Jessica. “It has been a routine that has provided a lot of comfort through our grief."

Reading books has continued to be a tradition that now provides a way to connect their rainbow baby with their angel baby. Eight weeks after their loss, Jessica and JP learned they were pregnant with their rainbow baby! Elia Rae was born on November 17, 2022. Reading has continued to be a routine that has provided a lot of comfort through their grief and a way to establish a family tradition with their daughters.
“When my husband and I began the process of brainstorming a legacy project, we knew immediately we wanted to make a difference by sharing this tradition with others. Our goal is to share books to loss and NICU families as a means to connect with their babies. With the help of Three Little Birds, we are starting to make it happen! Hopefully, this tradition will provide as much comfort to other loss families as it has for ours.”, says Jessica. “Books pertaining to healing after loss have also been a tool of affirmation and support. My husband and I were lucky to be supported by family and friends after our loss. Some of that support included receiving books of testimonials and stories to navigate through grief. Sharing my books and resources through the lending library is a way to pay it forward to others who may benefit from them. We are absolutely honored to have the Three Little Birds lending library named after Emerson and her legacy.”

Therefore, the lending library at the Healing Nest has been renamed Emerson’s Library of Love! Registered loss families in our nest can borrow loss support books specific to perinatal loss parents, non-traditional paths to parenthood, couples, faith-based needs, siblings and more. We have a variety of books to offer and several copies of certain titles. Many of these books were printed in small quantities or are no longer in print and can be costly when purchased secondhand. If you have any grief books you would like to donate to our library, please email us at threelittlebirdsperinatal@gmail.com. Additionally, Emerson’s parents want to donate books to NICUs and possibly host a loss book exchange so families can talk about what publications helped them the most!
Below is a listing of the hardcopy books we can lend to our members. Pro tip - If you have a Kindle, click the link and see if it is available for free! If you wish to reserve a copy of a book from our lending library, please click here!
Remembering Baby Bird - By Brent and Kristen Samuelson (also available for Kindle)
Here in the Garden - By Briony Stewart
Couples Communication After a Baby Dies - By Sherokee Ilse and Tim Nelson
Grieving Dads: To the Brink and Back - By Kelly Farley and David DiCola
For Bereaved Grandparents - By Margaret Gerner
Loved Baby - By Sarah Philpot (Christian Devotional)
A Cry from the Womb - Healing the Heart of the World: A Guide to Healing and Helping Souls Return to the Light After Sudden Death, Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Abortion - By Gwendolyn Awen Jones
Being a Wounded Healer - By Douglas C. Smith
To Linger on Hot Coals - By Stephanie Paige Cole and Catherine Bayly
At a Loss: Finding Your Way After Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death - By Donna Rothert
It's Ok that you're Not Ok! - By Megan Devine
Healing Your Grieving Heart After Stillbirth: 100 Practical Ideas for Parents and Families - By Alan Wolfelt
Empty Arms: Coping With Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death - By Sherokee Ilse
You are a Mother of All Mothers - By Angela Miller
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart - Surviving the Death of your Baby - Deborah Davis
Empty Arms: Hope and Support for Those Who Have Suffered a Miscarriage, Stillbirth, or Tubal Pregnancy - By Pam Vredevelt
All Babies are Born - By Catherine Gordon
You Are Not Alone: Love Letters From Loss Mom to Loss Mom - By Emily Long
Making Babies: Stumbling into Motherhood - By Anne Enright
Holding Avery - By Heidi Chandler
An Exact Replica of a Figment of My Imagination: A Memoir - By Elizabeth McCracken
Ghost Belly - By Elizabeth Heineman